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Abstract Guidelines

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Abstract Submission Guidelines

Share your research! 

When our ‘Call for Abstracts’ is open, a button linking to the Abstract Submission Platform will appear in the guidelines below.

Abstract Submission Deadlines: 

  • With a Conference Scholarship: December 18, 2024
  • Regular Abstracts (including all other abstract-based awards): January 8, 2025
  • Late-Breaker Abstracts: March 12, 2025

*Late-Breaker Abstracts: Original research that is not completed until after the regular submission deadline for completed research may be eligible for submission as a late-breaking abstract. The content must meet criteria for urgency and significant scientific importance to be considered in this category. 

Watch This MASCC Webinar!

Learn how to write an excellent abstract that will get your research noticed. 

This webinar is hosted by the MASCC Awards Committee. The presenters will discuss why writing a compelling abstract is important, what elements to include, and how to avoid common pitfalls.

All abstracts must be submitted via this website. When abstract submission opens, there will be a button below to click “Submit an Abstract Today”. Refer to the deadline table above.

Note: The submission platform (Eventsforce) restricts all Submitting Authors from submitting more than TWO (2) abstracts. However, the authorship limitation followed by MASCC is that you cannot be the MAIN AUTHOR on more than TWO (2) abstracts. You may need to create/use a second login if you are assisting with the submission of more than two abstracts.

NOTE: The abstract submission platform is available with English guidance. However, ALL ABSTRACTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ENGLISH.

  • Authors may be the main author on a maximum of TWO (2) abstracts.
  • Authors may be the presenting author on a maximum of TWO (2) abstracts.
  • Authors may be a co-author on any number of abstracts.
  • The Submitting Author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submitting.
  • The Presenting Author may be changed until the Early Bird Registration Deadline. Please email to submit a change.
  • The Presenting Author must attend in-person to present (virtual options will not be available).
  • All accepted abstracts must have at least ONE (1) co-author (usually this is the presenting author) who is registered and who has paid the registration fees to attend the MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting by the Early Bird Deadline (Wednesday, April 23, 2025) to be included in the Scientific Program and published in the journal Supportive Care in Cancer.
  • All Presenting Authors of oral proffered papers must be registered and have paid the registration fees for the MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting by the Early Bird Deadline on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
  • All Presenting Authors of e-poster presentations must be registered and have paid the registration fees for the MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting by Wednesday, June 4, 2025.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in clear ENGLISH with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university scientific publications office (or other similar facility), or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
  • The abstract title is limited to 150 characters including spaces.
  • The abstract title must be entered in UPPER CASE (e.g. “COMMON BLEEDING DISORDERS”).
  • The abstract text is limited to 300 words total. The submission platform will show you a live word count at the bottom of the page, but it will not stop you from typing if you exceed the word limit. It is the responsibility of the Submitting Author to ensure that you do not exceed the word limit.
  • The following structure must be followed when submitting an abstract:
    • Introduction
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • Each abstract can contain up to THREE (3) images or tables. To include a table, you will prepare the table in another application and take a screenshot of the table to include it as an image in the submission. When preparing tables/images, please consider that the abstracts are published on letter size paper (8.5″ x 11″) with two columns. This may limit the ability to read your tables/images if they are too wide and need to be resized to fit this layout.
  • Trials-in-Progress are permitted. However, the acceptance of your abstract will be determined by the reviewers who will be evaluating your abstract in relation to other abstracts which are include results. The review process is competitive. You may wish to delay your submission for when you have more information/results to present.
  • Abstracts containing previously presented data are eligible for submission. However, inclusion of updated data is encouraged.
  • If your abstract has been published in another journal, please consider any embargos or limitations these publications may have. MASCC does not have any restrictions. However, we encourage you to update the title and content to avoid any copyright issues.
  • Upon submission, the Submitting Author confirms that the abstract has been proofread and that all information is correct. 
    Upon submission, the Submitting Author confirms that any patient photos and/or data have been released and approved by the patient for publication. 
  • Changes are not permitted after the submission deadline.
  • The following details for EACH co-author, including the submitting author is required:
    • Full first and family name(s)
    • Preferred title (e.g. “Dr.”, “Prof”, “Assoc Prof”, etc.)
    • Designations (e.g. “PhD”, “DDS”, “MD”, etc.)
    • Affiliations including the department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), and country (e.g. “Department of Psychology, University of Lille, Lille, France”)
  • Keywords for the abstract
  • Abstract Topic (see the list below)
  • The preferred presentation type:
    • e-Poster Presentation (3-minute presentation + 2 minute Q&A, presented in the Exhibition Hall)
    • Oral Proffered Paper (10-minute presentation made during a Parallel Session)
  • If you are applying for an award and/or scholarship, please ensure you also have the following information prepared:
    • Your degree, including year commenced and year completed (or will be completed)
    • Information about any funding available to you
    • IMPORTANT: Abstracts applying for a Conference Scholarship are due before the regular deadline on Wednesday, December 18, 2024.

All abstracts must be relevant to supportive care in cancer. This year’s topics include:

  • Antiemetics
  • Cancer Pain
  • Chronic Toxicities
  • Digital Health
  • Education
  • Emerging Toxicities
  • Exercise Oncology
  • Fatigue
  • Financial Toxicity
  • Geriatrics
  • Hemostasis
  • Mucositis
  • Neurological Complications
  • Neutropenia, Infection and Myelosuppression
  • Nutrition and Cachexia
  • Oncodermatology
  • Oral Care
  • Palliative Care
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychosocial
  • Survivorship
  • Other

Abstracts will be reviewed with four (4) major criteria in mind:

  1. Impact – Significance of the science in improving care
  2. Innovation – Novelty
  3. Approach – Study design, sample size, rigidity of research
  4. Presentation – Clarity, logic, completeness of data presented

Late-breaker abstracts will also be evaluated on meeting the “late-breaker” criteria: Original research that is not completed until after the regular submission deadline. The content must meet criteria for urgency and significant scientific importance to be considered in this category.

Keeping these above domains in mind, each abstract will be ranked against each other within the same topic for acceptance as an e-poster, oral proffered paper, or rejected.

Next Steps After Abstract Submission Deadline and Acceptance

  • The MASCC/ISOO 2025 Scientific Committee will determine acceptance for presentation at the Annual Meeting.
  • All notifications regarding abstract status, including notifications regarding abstract submission, abstract acceptance and scheduling, will be sent to the Submitting/Corresponding Author. The Submitting/Corresponding Author will be responsible for informing the other co-authors about the status of the abstract.
  • Accepted abstracts and scholarship/award recipients will be notified by email to the Main Author.
  • All accepted abstracts must have at least ONE (1) co-author (usually this is the presenting author) who is registered and who has paid the registration fees to attend the MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting by the Early Bird Deadline (Wednesday, April 23, 2025) to be included in the Scientific Program and published in the journal Supportive Care in Cancer.
  • All Presenting Authors of oral proffered papers must be registered and have paid the registration fees for the MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting by the Early Bird Deadline on Wednesday, April 23, 2025.
  • All Presenting Authors of e-poster presentations must be registered and have paid the registration fees for the MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting by Wednesday, June 4, 2025.
  • All Presenting Authors must attend in-person to present (virtual options will not be available).
  • All Presenting Authors are required to prepare for presentation(s) and consult the Speaker Guidelines (to be linked at a later date)
  • E-Posters must be uploaded in .pdf format to the E-Poster Platform by Friday, June 6, 2025 (link to be provided to presenting authors at a later date)
  • Oral Proffered Paper PPT presentation decks must be delivered in-person to the Speaker Ready Room on a USB drive at the meeting venue a minimum of TWO (2) hours before the assigned session time (this may mean the day prior for early morning sessions).