Invited Speaker & Session Chair Guidelines
Invited Speakers & Session Chairs
Presentation Date & Time: Please refer to your speaker invitation and session introductions for details.
Presentation Length: Please refer to your speaker invitation and session introduction for details. You may also consult the Scientific Program for details.
Presentation Media: PowerPoint slides: 2025 PPT template
To prepare for your presentation at the 2025 Annual Meeting, please refer to the information below. Please expand the items below for more information.
Complete the Following Tasks
- Register by the Early Bird Deadline
- Prepare your PowerPoint slides for your presentation.
- Please review the MASCC/ISOO 2025 Annual Meeting Terms of service here.
Prepare Your PowerPoint Presentation
- Access the 2025 PPT Template – We encourage all presenters to use this template.
- Please name your PPT file “[Your Full Name][Session Date][Session Start Time][any version control codes you like].pptx”.
- Verbally share your Conflict(s) of Disclosure and include it after your title slide.
- Verbally share the Learning Objectives and include it after your Conflicts of Disclosure slide.
- All content must be evidence-based, or include an explanation why it is not:
- Ensure that you note your references including: authors, titles, article title, year, volume, and page numbers in your materials.
- Evidence must come from systematic reviews/meta-analyses of studies (randomized control trials (RCTs), cohort case control studies), or single, moderate-sized, well designed RCTs, or well-designed, consistent, controlled, non-randomized trials or large cohort studies.
- Any lack of evidence for assertions or recommendations must be acknowledged.
- If a single study is the focus or select studies are omitted, the rationale to support this decision must be included.
- Graphs and charts or other evidence-related materials cannot be altered to highlight one treatment or product.
- Both potential harms and benefits should be discussed; an efficient way to present these to clinicians is through number needed to treat (NNT) and number needed to harm (NNH), as well as through a presentation of absolute and relative risk reductions.
- Refer to all medications by the generic name. If brand names must be used, the brand name should appear in parentheses after the generic name. Every drug mentioned should be referred to in a similar manner.
- Presentations must be prepared in English.
- Hospital, institution, association, or charitable logos are permitted.
- Pharmaceutical or corporate commercial logos are not permitted, however any conflict of disclosure must be declared immediately after your title slide.
- QR codes or website links may be used, however, they cannot link to promotional websites/documents.
- Please be mindful of patient privacy rules when sharing any research data. All information shared must remain anonymous.
- Please use common fonts, such as Arial and Verdana.
- Insert photos as .JPG files to ensure visibility in PowerPoint.
What to Expect for Your Presentation
- When you arrive at the meeting venue, please visit the Speaker Ready Room to submit your PowerPoint slides a minimum of two (2) hours before your session.
- You must provide your presentation on a USB thumb drive to load onto the conference computers.
- Hours for the Speaker Ready Room will be posted closer to the meeting dates.
- By submitting your presentation to the Speaker Ready Room, we will ensure your presentation is in the appropriate session room for projection.
- Please be seated at the panelist desks at the front of the room, reserving the seat(s) closest to the podium for the Session Chair(s).
- The Session Chair will introduce you and call you up when it is your turn to present.
- There will be a TV screen facing you to display your slides (comfort monitor).
- You will have a handheld remote to advance your slides.
- There will be a speaker clock to help you keep time.
- The session will end with a Q&A period.