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About the Meeting

Each year, MASCC joins forces with the International Society for Oral Oncology (ISOO) to host the preeminent international meeting on supportive care in cancer. This multinational and interdisciplinary meeting brings together professionals and trainees from diverse fields to engage, collaborate and learn.

Our 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in collaboration with our French affiliate organization AFSOS, and will take place in the charming city of Lille, France. With a cutting-edge scientific program presented by the world’s leading experts in supportive care, there will be lots to learn every day. Participants will come away familiar with the latest techniques to manage cancer symptoms and treatment side effects, as well as being equipped to address psychosocial and financial concerns in patients and survivors.

But what makes the Annual Meeting special is more than just the workshops and presentations: it’s the people. Attendees have told us time and again that the opportunities for mentorship and support shaped their careers for years to come, and that the networking and social events are something they look forward to every year.

From students to clinicians, researchers to industry representatives, there’s something for everyone at the MASCC/AFSOS/ISOO Annual Meeting. Bring your passion and join us, and together we can shape the future of supportive cancer care.

The 2024 Annual Meeting will be a fully in-person meeting. We hope to see you there!

Meeting Themes

  • Overall Theme: Empowering People Impacted by Cancer and Living with Toxicities
  • Home Care and Extending Supportive Care at Home or Closer to Home
  • Management of Emerging Toxicities
  • Innovative Implementation of Supportive Care in Cancer
  • Quality Improvement in supportive care
  • Sessions on the Various MASCC/ISOO Study Group Topics

Planning Committee

Alexandre Chan, Pharm.D., MPH, FCCP, FISOPP, BCPS, BCOP, APh

2024 Annual Meeting Chair
University of California, Irvine

Melissa Chin, H.BSc, MBA, CHE

Executive Director, MASCC

Jocelyn White, B.Comm, CMP, DES, HMCC

Events & Marketing Manager, MASCC

Local Organizing Committee

Mario Di Palma, MD

AFSOS Vice President
Gustave Roussy Cancer Center, Villejuif

Ivan Krakowski, MD

AFSOS Founding President

Didier Mayeur, MD

AFSOS General Secretery
Head of Supportive Care, Centre Georges François Leclerc, Cancer Center at Dijon, Burgundy, France

Florian Scotté, MD, PhD

MASCC Vice President & President Elect, AFSOS Vice President
Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Villejuif

News Archive

2024 Annual Meeting Highlights

June 27-29 • Lille, France • #MASCC24 We were delighted to welcome over 1400 delegates…

2024 Annual Meeting Awards

MASCC Premium Awards Prof Andrew Neil Davies Distinguished Service Award The Distinguished Service Award (MASCC’s…

2024 Outstanding Study Group Award

Congratulations to the Antiemetics Study Group, the recipients of the Outstanding Study Group Award for…

Andrew Neil Davies Awarded 2024 MASCC Distinguished Service Award

Congratulations to Prof Andrew Neil Davies, the recipient of the 2024 MASCC Distinguished Service Award…

Announcing Our 2025 & 2026 Annual Meeting Chair

We’re excited to announce that Joanne Bowen will be the new Chair for the 2025…