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Plenary Highlights

We look forward to an exciting program this year in France. Please see below for the plenary session highlights.

Plenary Sessions, the Opening Ceremony, and the Closing Ceremony will have live translation (English-to-French).

For the full program, click here.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Plenary Session 1: Management of Emerging Toxicities

Chaired by Prof Alexandre Chan (USA), Dr Didier Mayeur (France)

  • Prof Hope Rugo (USA): Balancing Success with Toxicity: Identification and Management of Novel Agent Toxicity in Breast Cancer
  • Dr Christina Ruhlmann (Denmark): Surviving with Immunotoxicity
  • Dr Ines Vaz-Luiz (France): Adherence, Survivorship, Long-Term Toxicities (Chronic)
  • Mr Marcel Michel Mentil (Patient Partner, France)

Friday, June 28, 2024

Plenary Session 2: Home Care / Care Close to Home

Chaired by Prof Maryam Lustberg (USA), Dr Mario Di Palma (France)

  • Mr Ghislain Promonet (France) together with Dr Marc Poterre (France): Benefits of Hospital at Home in Cancer Care
  • Dr Eduardo Bruera (USA): The Ideal Location for Care Varies According to Disease, Patient and Family Characteristics
  • Dr Christine Boers-Doets (The Netherlands): Post-Surgical Care at Home – How to Empower Patients and Prepare for Follow-Up Treatments

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Plenary Session 3: Innovative Implementation and Quality Improvement in Supportive Care

Chaired by Prof Florian Scotté (France)

  • Ms Ishtar Espejo (Spain): Innovative Supportive Care Provided to Refugee Children From Ukraine and Their Families in Spain, Sharing Insights into Efforts to Maintain the Highest Standards of Comprehensive Care for All Family Members
  • Dr Cyril Lervat (France): Digital Health Platform or Innovative Technologies for Pediatric Supportive Care
  • Dr Etienne Brain (France): Can Digitalization Improve Research for and Consideration to Older Patient with Cancer?
  • Dr Don Dizon (USA): Making the Invisible Visible: Disparities in Cancer Care and Sexual and Gender Minoritized Communities