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2019 Best of MASCC India

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2019 Best of MASCC India

The second Best of MASCC India meeting, hosted by the Indian Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (IASCC), was held September 14-15 at Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai and included more than 130 attendees. IASCC, a subdivision of Nag Foundation, a public charitable trust in Pune, Maharashtra, India, became a MASCC affiliate in May 2019. The meeting was organized by IASCC President Dinesh C. Doval, MD, DM, and Vice-Presidents Sudeep Gupta, MD, DM, and Shona Nag, MD, along with organizing secretaries Vikas Ostwal, MD, DM, Anant Ramaswamy, MD, DM, and Anant Gokam, MD, DM.

The range of subjects included major side effects of cancer therapies, such as emesis, mucositis, cardiac disease, febrile neutropenia, pain, fatigue, and neuropathy, as well as psychosocial and sexual issues and fertility preservation. The meeting also featured practical sessions and panel discussions on stoma care, venous access devices, and voice prostheses. MASCC’s Immediate Past President Ian Olver, AM, MD, PhD, addressed the topics of digital health and AI in supportive care and the pharmaco-economics of supportive care. MASCC member Karin Jordan, MD, spoke on the role of NEPA (a fixed oral combination of netupitant and palonosetron) at a dinner meeting that focused on the best of MASCC presentations on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.

Dr. Olver notes that this meeting organized by IASCC demonstrated the promise that IASCC holds for contributing to improved supportive cancer care internationally and the importance this group will have as a MASCC partner. He was also impressed with the competition for seed funding among young researchers who presented projects highly relevant to clinical practice and the mentorship that was available to them. The organizers are to be commended for signing up over 100 joint members of IASCC and MASCC. All in all, a very successful Best of MASCC meeting!

Bestofmascc India2019 2
A scientific session at the 2019 Best of MASCC India 2019
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