Global Initiative to Advance Cancer Navigation for Better Outcomes
What is Patient Navigation?
Patient navigation in cancer care is an individualized intervention that aims to address barriers and facilitate timely access to healthcare services, diagnosis, treatments and care, with the following common characteristics:
- Identifies barriers to assessing care experienced by individuals
- Overcomes barriers (e.g., healthcare system, literacy, language, cultural, social, financial, and logistical) experienced by individuals
- Addresses disparities from contextual barriers (e.g., geographical, racial/ethnic, financial, socioeconomic)
- Can occur anywhere along the cancer care continuum (from early detection to end-of-life)
- Can be delivered by various personnel, including but not limited to the following:
- Clinical Navigators: nurses and oncology social workers.
- Non-Clinical Navigators: case managers, outreach workers, community health workers/aides/representatives/volunteers, counsellors, educators, health coaches, peers, cancer survivors, and lay personnel
Patient navigation in cancer care includes support for individuals, families, and caregivers to (i) navigate the health system; and (ii) address holistic, emotional, educational/informational, and carer needs.
About GINO

In May 2023, Flinders University, MASCC, and Novartis partnered on a Global Initiative to Advance Cancer Navigation for Better Outcomes (GINO).
GINO aims to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of navigation programs globally.
The project has 3 stages and commenced in September 2023:
- Stage 1: Development of a MASCC practice framework and international position statement for patient navigation in cancer (0 – 18 months)
- Stage 2: Development and testing of a core set of quality and efficiency indicators for patient navigation benchmarking (12 – 36 months)
- Stage 3: Development of implementation guidance and a global community of practice for local adaptation (12 – 36 months).
Project updates and resources will be shared here. If you have any questions about this project please contact Dr Imogen Ramsey.
Steering Committee

Prof Ray Chan

Dr Imogen Ramsey

Dr Fiona Crawford-Williams

Dr Carla Thamm

Dr Dawn Aubel

Prof Margaret Fitch

Melissa Chin

Carolyn Taylor

Prof Alexandre Chan

Dr Enrique Soto Pérez de Celis

Dr Ebele Mbanugo

Dr Jackie Bender

Prof Michael Jefford