At the 2019 MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting, seven Study Groups recognized high-quality work by junior investigators in their disciplines. The Fatigue Study Group was the first to honor outstanding young investigators with junior faculty and trainee awards as a means of professional recognition and a way to showcase cutting-edge work by up-and-coming researchers. The awards are based on the quality of abstracts submitted to the Annual Meeting. This year, junior investigator awards were conferred by the Study Groups on Fatigue, Geriatrics, Mucositis, Neurological Complications, Pediatrics, Psychosocial Issues, and Survivorship. In addition, the Fatigue Study Group recognized Debra L. Barton, PhD, FAAN, RN, as Distinguished Scientific Laureate.
Fatigue Study Group
Outstanding Junior Faculty Award
Jérôme Desrame, MD (France) — The CIROCO Study: Evaluating the Correlation between Fatigue and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients Treated with Biosimilar Epoetin Alfa for Chemotherapy-Induced Anemia
Outstanding Trainee Research Award
Anna-Maria Platschek, PhD (Germany) — Effects of Exercise on Cancer-Related Fatigue in Pediatric Oncology: A Comparison of an Inpatient Program at the Beginning and in the Middle of Cancer Therapy
Distinguished Scientific Laureate
Debra L. Barton, PhD, FAAN, RN, was named this year’s Distinguished Scientific Laureate in recognition of her distinguished academic and research career focusing on cancer symptom management, including cancer-related fatigue. Debra is a Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Rackham Graduate Studies at the University of Michigan’s School of Nursing. Her program of research evolved from her involvement and leadership in the Cancer Clinical Trials Network (CCTN) over the past 11 years. As Principal Investigator or co-PI, she has led 15 large Phase III randomized clinical trials in oncology symptom management, and 7 Phase II trials. She has received numerous grants to implement translational aims to explore mechanisms of action and symptom physiology in research focusing on cancer-related fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, sleep, nausea and vomiting, hot flashes, libido, vaginal atrophy, peripheral neuropathy. Debra has served as a member of MASCC’s Board of Directors (2016-2018), a past Vice-Chair of the Fatigue Study Group, and a member of MASCC’s most recent Strategic Planning Committee. She is a member of MASCC’s Study Groups on Fatigue, Psychosocial Issues, and Survivorship.
Geriatrics Study Group
Outstanding Abstract Awards
Belkiz Quintanilla, BS (USA) — Older Cancer Survivors Have a Lower Symptom Burden
Mostafa Mohamed, MSc, MD (USA) — Association of Polypharmacy and Potentially Inappropriate Medications with Physical Function in Older Patients with Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy: A University of Rochester Nationwide Geriatric Assessment Study
Mucositis Study Group
Research Workshop Presentation Awards
Hannah Wardill, PhD (Australia) — Developing a Rat Model of Melphalan-Induced Mucositis for Fundamental and Translational Research
Katia Rupel, DDS, PhD (Italy) — Photobiomodulation Modulates Oxidative Stress In Vitro and In Vivo in Cancer Patients Suffering from Oral Mucositis
Neurological Complications Study Group
Outstanding Abstract Awards
Alex Molasiotis, RN, PhD (Hong Kong) — A Randomized Assessor-Blinded Wait-List Controlled Trial to Assess the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Yi Long Toh BSc Pharm (Hons) (Singapore) — Pre-Chemotherapy Plasma Dehydroepiandrosterone Levels and Its Sulfated Form-DHEA(S) as a Predictor for Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Pediatrics Study Group
Outstanding Abstract Awards
Jun Xuan Ng (Singapore) — Caring for Terminally Ill Children: Negative Impacts on the Doctor’s Well-Being and Personhood
Jinbing Bai, PhD, MSN, RN (USA) — Comparison of the Dietary Intakes between Children with Solid Tumors after the Completion of Chemotherapy and Healthy Controls
Psychosocial Study Group
Best Abstract Award
Charles Kamen, PhD (USA) — Perspectives of LGBT Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers Regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Disclosure
Survivorship Study Group
The Survivorship Study Group recognized two junior faculty researchers and two trainees.
Outstanding Junior Faculty Awards
Jessica Krok-Schoen, PhD (USA) — Primary Care Physicians’ Perspectives on the Survivorship Care for Older Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study
Elizabeth K. Arthur, PhD, APRN-CNP, AOCNP (USA) — Predictors of Women’s Self-Efficacy to Communicate with Their Partners about Sex and Intimacy after Cancer
Outstanding Trainee Awards
Chia Jie Tan, BPharm (Hons), BCOP (Singapore) — Employment and Financial Challenges Faced by Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Study
Sarah M. Belcher, RN, PhD, OCN (USA) — Characterizing Psychobehavioral Risks in Survivors of Multiple Primary Cancers