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2024 Annual Meeting Awards

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2024 Annual Meeting Awards

MASCC Premium Awards

Andrew Davies receiving the 2024 MASCC Distinguished Service Award

Prof Andrew Neil Davies

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award (MASCC’s highest honor) recognizes meritorious service, exemplary leadership and outstanding contribution to the society and its mission. This year’s award goes to Prof Andrew Neil Davies. Prof Davies has a long-standing tenure of service to MASCC, including serving as President from 2020-2022 during the COVID-19 pandemic. His vision during this time of global crisis was clear and steadfast, and he led several key initiatives to keep MASCC healthy and robust during this period. This included appointing the first Patient Partner Committee, and expanding the MASCC Affiliates and Centers of Excellence programs. Prof Davies also served as Chair of the 2019 and 2021 Annual Meetings; board member from 2016 – 2024; and as Chair/Co-Chair of the Palliative Care Study Group from 2013 to 2018. Read more.

Antiemetics Study Group

Outstanding Study Group Award

The Outstanding Study Group Award recognizes a study group’s excellence and achievement in promoting, activating, and executing activity within the study group. This year’s award goes to the Antiemetics Study Group, who (among other accomplishments) have published new updated MASCC/ESMO Antiemetic Guidelines along with supporting resources for patients and clinicians. Read more.

Jorn Herrstedt receiving the 2024 Outstanding Study Group Leader Award

Prof Jørn Herrstedt

Outstanding Study Group Leader Award

The Outstanding Study Group Leader Award recognizes the efforts of the principal driver of the main project that led to the Outstanding Study Group’s recognition and award. This year’s award goes to Prof Jørn Herrstedt, Chair of the 2023 MASCC/ESMO Antiemetics Guidelines update. His outstanding leadership was vital in completing this project; and his remarkable contributions, commitment, and unwavering support of MASCC and the Antiemetics Study Group over many years make him a very well-deserving recipient of this award.

MASCC Merit-Based Awards

Asst Prof Lawson Eng

Emerging Investigator Award

The Emerging Investigator Award recognizes an early-to-mid career researcher who has contributed significantly to MASCC-led research activities within the past two years. This year’s award goes to Asst Prof Lawson Eng, an active and engaged member of the Survivorship Study Group, the Health Disparities Task Force, and the 2022 Annual Meeting Local Organizing Committee. Asst Prof Eng was recently involved in three Survivorship Study Group projects, including conceiving and leading a secondary analysis of a study evaluating patient-reported outcomes. This abstract received the Steven M. Grunberg Memorial Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting, and was recently published in the Journal of Oncology Practice. He is an excellent scholar and researcher and despite being very early in his academic career, he has already become established as an emerging leader in the field.

Assoc Prof Nicolas Hart

Guideline Leadership Award

The Guideline Leadership Award recognizes an individual who has contributed substantially to MASCC guidelines within the past two years. This year’s award goes to Assoc Prof Nicolas Hart. In his capacity as Terry Langbaum Fellowship holder, Assoc Prof Hart led to completion the MASCC-ASCO standards and practice recommendations on survivorship care for people affected by advanced or metastatic cancer. He is currently leading the translation of this guideline into 10 languages. He also co-produced the World Health Organization Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation: Module 7 (Malignant Neoplasm), and led the MASCC endorsement of this product. In addition to being involved in several other MASCC guideline endorsements, Assoc Prof Hart is also actively engaged in a number of ongoing guideline projects. His sustained commitment and leadership make him a well-deserving recipient of this award.

Dr Aishwarya Bandla

Innovator Award

The Innovator Award recognizes an individual with novel, bold thinking and impactful, non-traditional, out of the box idea(s) that have changed or enhanced direction, practices, and services in supportive cancer care within the past two years. This year’s award goes to Dr Aishwarya Bandla. Dr Bandla played a pivotal role as the technology lead and co-investigator in the development of the Paxman Limb Cryocompression System, a bespoke, wearable limb cryocompression device specifically designed for use in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to prevent chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). This innovative device aims to empower cancer survivors by preventing CIPN, allowing them to return to work and resume daily activities with greater independence. As a result of its direct patient and clinical impact, this project was identified as a Practice Changing Innovation by the Singaporean government.

Dr Douglas Peterson

Outstanding Publication Award

The Outstanding Publication Award recognizes an individual who is the first author on an original article in a leading academic journal on a topic related to supportive cancer care within the past year. This year’s award goes to Dr Douglas Peterson as first author on the article “Prevention and Management of Osteoradionecrosis in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Treated With Radiation Therapy: ISOO-MASCC-ASCO Guideline“. The article has been published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, which has an impact factor of approximately 45. The guideline was developed by an international and interdisciplinary panel, and has been endorsed by the American Head & Neck Society, the American Society for Radiation Oncology, and the American Academy of Oral Medicine. Congratulations to Dr Peterson on his leadership of this important and high-quality guideline.

Prof Edward Chow

Outstanding Educator Award

The Outstanding Educator Award recognizes an individual who has contributed significantly to MASCC educational activities within the past two years. This year’s award goes to Prof Edward Chow. Prof Chow dedicates many hours to mentoring co-op students, volunteers, residents, colleagues, and anyone who is eager to learn from him. He inspires them to care about issues related to cancer and gives them the opportunity to grow their knowledge on personal and professional levels. He provides his mentees with research projects and inspires them to develop novel and innovative ideas. Dr Chow is a prominent member of the Oncodermatology Study Group, and was closely involved in the publication of guidelines on the prevention and management of acute radiation dermatitis. His leadership and mentorship both within and beyond MASCC make him a deserving recipient of this award.

MASCC Abstract-Based Awards

Prof Sriram Yennu

Steven M. Grunberg Memorial Award

The Steven M. Grunberg Memorial Award recognizes excellent scientific achievement in the field of supportive care in cancer by an individual MASCC member. The honor is awarded to the author of the highest-ranking abstract submitted to the Annual Meeting. This year’s award goes to Prof Sriram Yennu, a Tenured Professor in the Department of Palliative Care, Rehabilitation, and Integrative Medicine at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. 

Abstract: Physical Activity and Dexamethasone on Cancer Related Fatigue: A Preliminary Placebo Controlled Randomized Double-Blind Trial

Dr Diane Von Ah

Cynthia N Rittenberg Award in Nursing Excellence

The Cynthia N Rittenberg Award in Nursing Excellence is awarded to one of the top five abstracts from MASCC members who are oncology nurses. This year’s award goes to Dr Diane Von Ah,  a Distinguished Professor & the Mildred E. Newton Endowed Professor at the Ohio State University, College of Nursing and Co-Leader of the Cancer Control Program at Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center and The James Cancer Hospital and Solve Research Institute.

Abstract: Association Between Cognitive Function and Physical Function, Frailty, and Quality of Life in Older Cancer Survivors 

Mr Antoine Boué

Outstanding Young Investigator Award

The Outstanding Young Investigator Award is awarded to the junior investigator with the highest-ranked abstract submitted for a Young Investigator Award. This year’s award goes to Mr Antoine Boué, a neuropsychologist (graduate of the University of Bordeaux), finalizing a PhD at the INSERM1086 Anticipe laboratory in Caen.

Abstract: Impact of New-Generation Hormone Therapy on Cognitive Functions in Elderly Patients Treated for a Metastatic Prostate Cancer

The 2024 Outstanding Young Investigator Award is sponsored by Fondation Santé Service

Young Investigator Awards

Young Investigator Awards are open to all junior investigators who have submitted an abstract to an upcoming Annual Meeting, and are awarded to the first authors of the top abstracts submitted. This year’s recipients are:

Ms Milena Gojsevic

Ms Milena Gojsevic is a third-year undergraduate student studying Honours Biochemistry at the University of Waterloo.

Abstract: Concordance of Patient- and Clinician-Reported Outcomes in Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer

Ms Samantha Kennedy

Ms Samantha Kennedy is a recent graduate from the University of Waterloo with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences.

Abstract: Radiation Fractionation in Breast Cancer: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis with Emphasis on Side Effects and Cosmesis

Nicole Billingy

Nicole Billingy is a post-doc researcher at Radboudumc’s Department of IQ Health.

Abstract: Patient-Initiated vs Physician-Initiated Response to Patient-Reported Symptom Monitoring: Completion Rates and Alert-Handling in the Sympro-Lung Trial

Dr Fangyuan (Chelsea) Chen

Dr Fangyuan (Chelsea) Chen is an MD candidate (graduation in June 2024) from the physician scientist program of Tsinghua University in China.

Abstract: Association Between Social Determinant of Health Profiles and Psychological Distress Among Us Cancer Survivors: A Unsupervised Clustering Analysis

Dr Edna Darlene Rodrigues Pinto

AICSO-MASCC Young Investigator Award

The AICSO-MASCC Young Investigator Award recognizes junior investigators associated with a Portuguese institution. This year’s recipient is Dr Edna Darlene Rodrigues Pinto, a Gerontology and Geriatrics PhD student at the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Portugal. 

Abstract: Assessing the Quality of Life in Older Persons With Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy, During and One Year Post-Treatment

Conference Scholarships

MASCC is committed to increasing attendance of oncology healthcare professionals from low-income countries at its Annual Meetings. MASCC provides a limited number of scholarships for this purpose in cases where attendance would not be possible without financial assistance. This year’s recipients are:

Dr Suvam Banerjee

Dr Suvam Banerjee is a medical doctor and researcher from India. He is currently appointed as “Resident” in Department of Oncology at Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals Limited, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. 

Abstract: DPYD Variants and Association with Fluoropyrimidine Toxicity in Asian Patients

Prof Vikas Ostwal

Prof Vikas Ostwal is a professor and medical oncologist at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. 

Abstract: Development of a Nurse-Led Chemotherapy Care Unit (CCU) in India – A Major Step Forward in Supportive Care in Cancer Treatment 

Dr Parth Sharma

Dr Parth Sharma is a post-graduate student in the Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College; the founding editor of Nivarana, a public health information and advocacy platform; and a researcher at the Association for Socially Applicable Research. 

Abstract: Financial Toxicity Among Patients Receiving Treatment for Oral Cancer in a Public Hospital in India: A Cross-Sectional Study

Dr Kritthivasan Venkatakrishnan

Dr Kritthivasan Venkatakrishnan is a Senior Resident in Medical Oncology at Cancer Institute Adyar (W.I.A), Chennai.

Abstract: Patients’ Voice Matters: Patient-Reported Outcomes for Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting in a Randomized Controlled Trial

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