MASCC proudly announces that Dr. Ogochukwu Izuegbuna, Senior Lecturer / Consultant Hematologist at Babcock University / Babcock University Teaching Hospital (BUTH), Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria is the jubilant winner of the MASCC Africa Fellowship 2025. This one-year Fellowship, funded by the MASCC Foundation, will result in the development and implementation of an impactful project on nutrition and cachexia in people with cancer in one part of Africa. The work will take place in collaboration with the MASCC Nutrition and Cachexia Study Group.
This Fellowship attracted strong competition; we thank all professionals who applied.
The MASCC Fellowship exemplifies MASCC’s commitment to inspiring innovation in supporting a meaningful and powerful project that will shape the future of nutrition and cachexia research in Africa. “We are happy to further cement the MASCC / Africa relationship and look forward to Dr. Izuegbuna’s contributions to the field.” said MASCC Executive Director, Melissa Chin.