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2024 Outstanding Study Group Award

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2024 Outstanding Study Group Award

Congratulations to the Antiemetics Study Group, the recipients of the Outstanding Study Group Award for 2024! Special congratulations also go to Prof Jørn Herrstedt, recipient of the Outstanding Study Group Leader award.

Among other accomplishments, this past year the Antiemetics Study Group published a major update to the MASCC/ESMO Antiemetic Guidelines, including the following publications:

Introduction to the 2023 guidelines update
Herrstedt J et al. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

I Emetic classification of antineoplastic agents
Jordan K et al. Emetic risk classification and evaluation of the emetogenicity of antineoplastic agents—updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendation. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

II Highly emetic chemotherapy
Herrstedt J et al. 2023 updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendations: Prevention of nausea and vomiting following high-emetic-risk antineoplastic agents. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

III Moderately emetic chemotherapy
Scotté F et al. 2023 updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendations: Prevention of nausea and vomiting following moderately emetic risk antineoplastic agents. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

IV Low or minimally emetic chemotherapy
Olver I et al. 2023 updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendations: Controlling nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy of low or minimal emetic potential. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

V Multiple-day, high-dose chemotherapy, refractory, break-through nausea and vomiting
Rapoport BL et al. 2023 updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendations: Prevention of nausea and vomiting following multiple-day chemotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy, and breakthrough nausea and vomiting. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

VI CAMs and non-pharmacological interventions
Molassiotis A et al. 2023 MASCC/ESMO consensus antiemetic guidelines related to integrative and non-pharmacological therapies. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

VII Radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
Ruhlmann CH et al. 2023 updated MASCC/ESMO consensus recommendations: Prevention of radiotherapy- and chemoradiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. Supportive Care in Cancer (2023).

VIII Guidelines for patients
Affronti ML et al. MASCC 2023 Patient-Centered Antiemetic Guidelines and Education Statements: an evidence-based and consensus resource for patients. Supportive Care in Cancer (2024).

The Antiemetics Study Group was also active in recommending the endorsement of external pediatric guidelines; hosting several webinars; pursuing sponsorship opportunities for MASCC; and mentoring junior members within the study group. Congratulations to all their members on an outstanding year!

The Outstanding Study Group Award is designed to recognize a study group’s excellence and achievement in promoting, activating, and executing activity within the study group. The Outstanding Study Group Leader Award recognizes the efforts of the principal driver of the main project that led to the Study Group’s recognition and award.

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