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New Members Start Here

Home > About MASCC > New Members Start Here

Welcome to MASCC! Here are some useful tips for getting started with your membership:

  Join a Study Group

When you join MASCC, you become eligible to join up to three study groups devoted to specific topic areas in supportive care in cancer.

Study group membership provides opportunities to:

  • Meet professionals from around the world who share your clinical and research interests
  • Collaborate with experts in the field
  • Lead or get involved in research projects
  • Help develop or update clinical practice guidelines
  • Design educational materials for practitioners to share with patients
  • Review Annual Meeting abstract submissions
  • Develop proposals for Annual Meeting workshops and parallel sessions

  Read the Latest Issue of Our Journal, Supportive Care in Cancer

Supportive Care in Cancer provides MASCC members with up-to-date research and reviews on all aspects of supportive care for people with cancer, their caregivers, and families.

The journal covers medical, technical, and surgical topics, as well as nursing, rehabilitative, psychosocial, and spiritual issues in a range of formats, including original research, reviews, guidelines, consensus papers, and short communications.

  Join the MASCC Global Mentorship Program

Become a mentor or a mentee in the MASCC Global Mentorship Program. Early-career members can expand your network and receive valuable guidance as you advance your career. Experienced members can share your knowledge and expertise while gaining insight into current barriers facing the next generation of leaders. To join, log in to the website by clicking “Member Login” in the top right corner of the screen (on mobile devices, you will need to first open the mobile menu). Enter your username and password. On the screen that appears, click on “Global Mentorship”.

  Browse the Education Portal

MASCC’s Education Portal is a user-friendly platform providing members with unlimited access to continuing education modules on demand. New content is added regularly.

To access the modules, you must log in on the Education Portal homepage (click login in the top right corner).

  Connect with Peers via the Member Directory

The MASCC Member Directory is more than a list of members. It’s a versatile tool that you can use to find, for example:

  • MASCC members in your country
  • MASCC members in a particular profession (e.g., nurses)
  • MASCC members in your study group
  • MASCC members in your study group who are also in your country
  • And much more

You must be logged in as a MASCC member to access the Directory: click “Member Login” in the top right corner of the screen and enter your username and password). On the screen that appears, click on “Member Directory”.

Use the Advanced Search function to search by criteria such as study group, institution, country, city, profession, or ISOO membership.

  Save the Date for Our Annual Meeting

Each year, MASCC joins forces with the International Society for Oral Oncology (ISOO) to host the pre-eminent international conference on supportive care in cancer. This multinational and interdisciplinary conference brings together professionals and trainees from diverse fields to engage, collaborate and learn.

  Get Your Members-Only Book Discount Codes

MASCC members receive book discounts from a number of publishers. To access your discount codes, log in to the website by clicking “Member Login” in the top right corner of the screen (on mobile devices, you will need to first open the mobile menu). Enter your username and password. On the screen that appears, click on “Discounts for Members”. 

  Download Clinical Guidelines and Tools in Areas Relevant to Your Practice

MASCC offers a variety of guidelines and tools in diverse areas of supportive care.

To access the full guidelines and guideline summaries, go to the Guidelines page, and log in with your MASCC member email and password.

Additional Resource: Get the Most Out of Your MASCC Membership (Webinar Recording)

Frequently Asked Questions

To log in to the Members-Only area of the website, click the Member Login link at the top right corner of the screen (on mobile devices, you will need to first open the mobile menu by clicking the three lines in the top right corner of the screen). Log in with your username and password.

Members can belong to a maximum of three study groups. For detailed instructions on how to join, click here.

You can change your study group membership at any time via your member profile. For detailed instructions, click here.

To access your membership certificate, log in to the Members-Only area of the website by clicking the Member Login button on the top right corner of the website (on mobile devices, you will need to first open the mobile menu). Enter your username and password, then click on “Membership Certificate” in the screen that appears.

You can download or print it as a PDF. The certificate will have the current date as date of issue, your member ID number, and renewal date.

You can use the Member Directory to search for other members by name, country, profession, study group membership, and much more. To access, log in to the Members-Only area of the website by clicking the login button on the top right corner of the website (on mobile devices, you will need to first open the mobile menu). Enter your username and password, then click on “Member Directory”.

To update your personal information, log in to the Members-Only area of the website by clicking the Member Login button on the top right corner of the website (on mobile devices, you will need to first open the mobile menu). Enter your username and password, then click on “My Account | My Profile”. Click on the “Edit” button next to your personal information. After making any changes, click “Save”.

Please review your Profile from time to time to be sure that we have the correct information. Your name, address, and email are available to other members in the Member Directory. If you are a member of a study group, the email address in your profile will be used for the study group communications. Please contact us for any questions or assistance.

If you have forgotten your username or password, click the Member Login button on the top right corner of the screen (on mobile devices you will need to first open the mobile menu). Use the links at the bottom of the form to retrieve your email or password. If you have any difficulties, contact our membership support.

To access our journal Supportive Care in Cancer online, click the Journal Access link in the top right of the screen and log in with your email and password. If you have any difficulties, contact us.

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