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AFSOS- A New MASCC Affiliate

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AFSOS- A New MASCC Affiliate

MASCC signed an affiliation agreement with the Association Francophone des Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), the French-speaking association for supportive care in in oncology. With MASCC affiliation, members of AFSOS become full members of MASCC with all membership benefits.

AFSOS, founded in 2008, is dedicated to improving training, practice, and research in supportive cancer care and to promoting knowledge and implementation of supportive care. AFSOS further aims to promote relationships between cancer, pain, psycho-oncology, nutrition, rehabilitation, and palliative care professionals and to facilitate meetings and exchanges between Francophone countries in the field of supportive oncology care.

Advances in medicine, and in particular oncology, have led to new needs and expectations with respect to organization, care, and research. The missions of AFSOS address two major objectives: meeting the needs of health professionals and responding to the needs of patients and their families. To fulfill these objectives, AFSOS is committed to training and involving cancer teams in supportive oncology care so as to preserve the comprehensiveness of care and improve quality of life at all stages of the disease, as well as informing patients and their families about supportive care treatments and services from which they can benefit.

AFSOS is led by President Ivan Krakowski, MD, a medical oncologist in Bordeaux, France. Vice-Presidents include Florian Scotté, MD, PhD (Suresnes), Carole Bouleuc, MD (Paris), and Christine Préaubert, IDE (Montauban). Find out more at

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