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MASCC EGFR Inhibitor Skin Toxicity Tool (MESTT)

Home > Resources > Assessment Tools > MASCC EGFR Inhibitor Skin Toxicity Tool (MESTT)

About the MASCC EGFR Inhibitor Skin Toxicity Tool (MESTT)

The MASCC EGFR Inhibitor Skin Toxicity Tool© (MESTT) assists health providers with the monitoring and reporting of dermatologic adverse effects in patients treated with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors. The MESTT is an event-specific grading system that can be used to:

  • Standardize assessment
  • Optimize the use of EGFR inhibitors
  • Enable researchers to conduct more informative, controlled studies


  • Robert Baran, MD
  • Andrei Barasch, DMD
  • Ethan Basch, MD
  • Alice Chen, MD
  • Janet E. Dancey, MD
  • Beth Eaby, CRNP
  • Lawrence Einhorn, MD
  • Joel B. Epstein, DMD
  • Lindy P. Fox, MD
  • Judi Johnson, RN, PhD
  • Mark Kris, MD
  • Sandra Kurtin, RN
  • Mario E. Lacouture*, MD
  • Michael L. Maitland, MD
  • Bernardo L. Rapoport, MD
  • Cynthia Rittenberg, RN
  • Elise Olsen, MD
  • Siegfred Segaert, MD
  • Andy Trotti, MD
  • Lynne Wagner, PhD
  • Dennis P. West, MD

*Dr. Mario E. Lacouture (Organizing and Overall Meeting Chair) is supported by a Zell Scholarship from the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center.

This project was supported by OSI Pharmaceuticals and Amgen, Inc.

MESTT Approval

Non-profit entities and health professionals (physicians, nurses, etc.) are encouraged to use the MESTT and may do so free of charge. Commercial companies will require written approval from MASCC, and will incur a nominal fee prior to using this tool. Please contact the Executive Director at for additional information regarding the approval procedure.


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