
Niharika Dixit, MD

Pamela Ginex, EdD, RN, OCN
Mission and Goals
The goal of the Education Study Group is to ensure that patient education is an integral part of all aspects of supportive cancer care. A needs assessment survey of MASCC members has provided useful information for future planning.
Recent study group activities include the development and pilot of a patient guide containing questions that patients might want to ask about their disease and treatment. The study group is also collaborating with the Mucositis Study Group to develop a patient education brochure and test its effectiveness in several languages and cultural settings. The study group has discussed the need to evaluate the readability of existing patient education materials and how best to respond to members who have indicated a lack of patient education materials in their own countries and languages.
How to Join
To join a study group, you must be a MASCC member. Members can belong to up to three study groups.
Education Subgroup: Digital Health
Chair: Ysabella Van Sebille, PhD, MD (Australia)
Vice-Chair: Jackie Bender, PhD (Canada)