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Supportive Care in Serbia

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Supportive Care in Serbia

Dr Snežana Bošnjak, president of the Serbian Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (SASCC), recently published an informative article on supportive cancer care in Serbia as part of the Cancer in My Community blog series on Cancer.Net. Dr Bošnjak writes:

“My interest in supportive care started when I recognized the unfulfilled needs of people with cancer in getting the help and support they require throughout their diagnosis, treatment, and beyond. When I started working, oncology was mostly focused on treating the disease itself, almost as if the person with cancer was just an invisible carrier of the tumor. Today, it is clear that cancer care should include approaches that focus on the tumor as well as the whole patient.” Read more here.

We would also like to congratulate SASCC on their successful Fourth Regional Education Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer Patients for Eastern Europe and Balkan Region (EEBR). If you didn’t have a chance to attend live, you can view the recording online from December 15, 2021 to January 15, 2022

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