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Home > Study Groups > Psychosocial


Bogda Koczwara


Bogda Koczwara, AM, BM, BS, FRACP, MBioethics, FAICD

Anna Ugalde


Anna Ugalde, PhD

Mission and Goals

The Psychosocial Oncology Study group was established at the 14th Annual MASCC Symposium in Boston in response to the huge interest from MASCC members in the psychosocial care of cancer patients. The study group planned its first working meeting at the 15th Annual Symposium in Berlin in 2003.

As cancer patients and survivors increase in number worldwide, patients’ psychosocial concerns and needs become increasingly relevant during the entire cancer trajectory. A 2007 report from the Institute of Medicine, Cancer for the Whole Patent: Meeting Psychosocial Health Needs, makes it clear that such needs must be recognized, studied, and addressed from the time of diagnosis to the end of life or to remission and survivorship.

In 2010, the Psychosocial Study Group published a position paper on behalf of MASCC titled Psychosocial Care for Patients and their Families Is Integral to Supportive Care in Cancer: MASCC Position Statement. Support Care Cancer. 2010; 18:255-63. The aim of the study group is to make the psychosocial dimension of care, including appropriate assessment and interventions, an integral part of routine cancer care for all patients.

Study group objectives:

  • To identify and involve members with a special interest in psychosocial oncology
  • To support MASCC in meeting members’ needs with respect to psychosocial oncology issues
  • To contribute to discussions of program content and format for the Annual Meeting
  • To ensure continued adequate and high-quality psychosocial oncology content
  • To solicit opinions from MASCC members with a special interest in psychosocial oncology regarding study group aims, research, and projects.

How to Join

To join a study group, you must be a MASCC member. Members can belong to up to three study groups. 

Educational Recordings

Social Eating – What Is It, Why It Matters and How It Changes after Head and Neck (HN) Cancer

Addressing Sexual Health Needs of People with Cancer: What Every Health Professional Should Know