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MASCC Oral Agent Teaching Tool (MOATT)

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About the MASCC Oral Agent Teaching Tool (MOATT)

The MASCC Oral Agent Teaching Tool© (MOATT) is a well-researched, easy-to-use patient education tool designed for use by healthcare providers in clinical practice. Providers can use the MOATT to:

  • Guide patient teaching
  • Provide comprehensive, standardized instruction (while allowing for individualization)
  • Encourage adherence to oral chemotherapy treatment

MASCC appreciates the unrestricted grants from Eli Lilly, OSI Pharmaceutical Company, and Celgene Corporation that were used to develop the MOATT.

Download the MOATT & Associated Resources


MASCC Oral Agent Teaching Tool (v. 1.2): PDF | Word Doc
MOATT User Guide
MOATT Card Format: Both pages right side up | Second page flipped

Updated on: September 2016
Reviewed on: May 2021



MASCC Oral Agent Teaching Tool (v. 1.2): PDF | Word Doc
MOATT User Guide
MOATT Card Format: Both pages right side up | Second page flipped

PDF | Word Doc
Translation produced by ICON and funded by the Lausanne University Hospital (Department of Oncology, UNIL), Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) and the Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare (IUFRS)

PDF | Word Doc

Translated by: Francesca Gambalunga


PDF | Word Doc

Translated by: Yuki Nagamatsu and Jennie Knowles

PDF | Word Doc

Translated by: Maryam Rassouli and Maryam Taghizadeh-Gheh

PDF | Word Doc
Translated by: Maria José Silva Dias and Maria Graça Silva Braz

PDF | Word Doc
Translated by: Dr Anton Snegovoy and Dr Julia Agafonova

PDF | Word Doc

Translated by: Iris Cirera Perez and Paz Fernandez-Ortega

Success Stories

A Structured Nursing Intervention at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

The MOATT was used successfully in a structured nursing intervention to increase patient knowledge and adherence to therapy at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts.

Led by Jean Boucher, the study was conducted in an ambulatory thoracic oncology disease center with 30 adult patients who were being treated with erlotinib (of whom 27 completed the study).

The intervention consisted of structured, nurse-led education sessions using the MOATT, along with a 72-hour follow-up telephone call. The total time required for the intervention ranged from 14 to 30 minutes.

The results were positive: at the end of the first cycle of oral chemotherapy, participants demonstrated high levels of both knowledge and self-reported adherence to their medication (as measured by a Knowledge Rating Scale and adapted Morisky Medication Adherence Scale).
The team found the intervention to be effective and feasible to integrate into the thoracic oncology setting. They noted that the MOATT was adaptable for drug-specific application and could be tailored to individual needs. It also facilitated documentation.

Read more:

A Structured Nursing Intervention to Address Oral Chemotherapy Adherence in Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.

Boucher J et al. Oncology Nursing Forum (2015). 

MOATT Approval

Non-profit entities and health professionals (physicians, nurses, etc.) are encouraged to use the MOATT and may do so free of charge. Commercial companies will require written approval from MASCC, and will incur a nominal fee prior to using this tool. Please contact the Executive Director at for additional information regarding the approval procedure.

Research & Development

Read more about the development of the MOATT:

Development of the MASCC Teaching Tool for Patients Receiving Oral Agents for Cancer.
Kav S et al. Supportive Care in Cancer (2010).