Policies, Applications & Forms
Best of MASCC Meetings
A Best of MASCC Meeting is a MASCC-endorsed conference held in a region or continent other than that of the Annual Meeting. Best of MASCC Meetings feature selected Annual Meeting presentations and aim to disseminate the most recent advances and guidelines in supportive care in cancer to healthcare professionals on a local level.
Holding a Best of MASCC Meeting requires formal application and approval by the MASCC Executive Committee.
Board Nominations
The MASCC Board serves for a period of two years. The next board election will be held in 2026.
Centers of Excellence in Supportive Care in Cancer
Our certification program recognizes oncology centers worldwide that demonstrate best practices in supportive care in cancer.
Donations to the MASCC Foundation go to our Emerging Leaders Scholarship. This scholarship awards $5,000 each to early-career researchers working on promising research in supportive care. Each scholarship recipient pursues a research project under the guidance of an experienced mentor, culminating in a publication of value to the supportive care community.
Donations can be made here or by filling out the form below.
External Meeting Liaisons
For program participation at a supportive care meeting other than the MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting.
Guidance Development and Translations
MASCC produces clinical practice guidance on a variety of topics within supportive cancer care, led by our study groups.
MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting
Each year, MASCC joins forces with the International Society for Oral Oncology (ISOO) to host the pre-eminent international conference on supportive care in cancer.
- Blackout Policy Ancillary Events
- For award and scholarship policies, click here
- For reimbursement policies for Annual Meetings and Board Meetings, email events@mascc.org.
MASCC Fellows
Fellow status is awarded to individuals who have made a sustained contribution to MASCC and demonstrated a continued high level of excellence in cancer supportive care practice and/or research.
Media & Advertising
MASCC policies on matters pertaining to communications and advertising.
Privacy Policy
MASCC is committed to respect and protect the privacy of all users and visitors to the MASCC website.
Study Groups
MASCC study groups are focused topic groups devoted to specific areas in supportive care in cancer.
Main Policy
Budget & Grants
Study Group Activities
For more information, contact us
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